Together, We Stand ForAmerica

What is PragerU?

We're a nonprofit that promotes American values through short educational videos for people of all ages. Get PragerU videos sent to your inbox.

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5-Minute Videos

The best ideas from the best minds distilled into five focused minutes.
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Real Talk

PragerU CEO Marissa Streit dives deeper into challenging topics with today's thought leaders.
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Fireside Chats

Dennis’s weekly thoughts and timeless wisdom by a crackling fire.
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Short Documentaries

Tackling the biggest issues of the day in search of truth and clarity.
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Stories of Us

People from all walks of life share personal stories and their love for American values.
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Man on the Street

Entertaining interviews with today's youth about life, history, and politics.
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The Wrap Up

Recapping the biggest stories of the week you might have missed and definitely need to know.
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The Book Club

Michael Knowles and special guests discuss great literature that has shaped Western…
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Interviews with fascinating guests and behind-the-scenes footage from PragerU.
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American Presidents

Meet the men who shaped American history.
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Ami on the Loose

Documentary filmmaker Ami Horowitz travels the world seeking alternative perspectives.


Featuring the stories of Latinos across the country who embody the American dream.
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PragerU Now in South Carolina Schools!

South Carolina’s Department of Education has integrated PragerU Kids’ civics, financial literacy, and other resources into its official learning portal, now accessible to educators across the state. This partnership broadens the range of K-12 social studies materials, offering teachers and students engaging videos, worksheets, lesson plans, and books that celebrate America’s rich history, values, and founding principles.

Trending: DEI Must DIE

Understanding the Constitution Web AssetsHoriz GridUnderstanding the Constitution 101

Understanding the Constitution 101

The U.S. Constitution is one of history's most important documents, establishing our rights and freedoms as American citizens, but few Americans today understand what it says or why it matters. PragerU is here to change that. Sign up for free access to our Understanding the Constitution 101 video series and receive a PragerU special-edition Constitution and e-book.

PUK Constitution Marketing Bundle Highlight BlockFREE U.S. Constitution Resource Guide

FREE U.S. Constitution Resource Guide

Designed by educators for parents and teachers, this free Constitution Crosswalk resource aligns PragerU Kids videos, lesson plans, worksheets, and books with key themes that teach fundamental, age-appropriate concepts of the U.S. Constitution, the Bill of Rights, and federalism.

PragerU espanol Franklin thumbnail web 02Announcing PragerU Español!

Announcing PragerU Español!

America has one of the largest populations of Spanish speakers in the entire world. Latinos already make up nearly 20% of America’s total population. We must reach them today with our ideas and values. You can now go to the PragerU Español channel on YouTube to watch some of your favorite PragerU videos in Spanish. This project is just getting started and we need your help to launch it nationwide.

Featured Playlists


American Presidents

PragerU Playlist: Why Capitalism Beats Socialism...Every Time - 1:1 thumbnail

Why Capitalism Beats Socialism...Every Time


All About Immigration


Understanding the Constitution: A 10-Part Series

PragerU Playlist: Does Free Speech Offend You? - 1:1 thumbnail

Does Free Speech Offend You?


Gender: Why All the Confusion?


Religion for Non-Believers


Should You Be Proud to Be American?

PragerU Playlist: Left and Right Differences - 1:1 thumbnail

Left and Right Differences

PragerU Playlist: Is America Racist? - 1:1 thumbnail

Is America Racist?


Climate Change and Energy


American Military

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New to PragerU? Start Here