Stop Sexualizing Our Children bb

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Stop Sexualizing Our Kids Petition

Children’s minds are under attack. From kindergarten to high school, kids are being exposed to early sexualization. Tell the media and our educational institutions to stop sexualizing our children.

Have you heard about “Drag Queen Story Hour” for young children being held in schools and libraries? How do you feel about “sex ed” lessons telling kids they can choose to be a boy or a girl—or something in between? What about kids reading graphically sexual books as part of required school curriculum? 

You might think it’s only happening in left-wing states like California or New York, but that’s not the case. Kids from kindergarten to high school are being exposed to early sexualization, often at the taxpayers’ expense in publicly-funded schools!  

And it’s not just schools. Mainstream media networks, like Netflix and Cartoon Network, have kids shows with transgender characters. Even Disney has gone “woke.” Here’s a direct quote from a recently leaked internal Disney meeting: 

“Our leadership over there has been so welcoming to my, like, not-at-all-secret gay agenda…I was just, wherever I could, just basically adding queerness…No one would stop me and no one was trying to stop me.”

—Latoya Ravenaeu, executive producer at Disney Television Animation

For years, we’ve been warning about the sexualization of our children and the mainstream media accused us of exaggerating, claiming it would never happen in early childhood education. But here we are, witnessing a blatant sexual agenda in schools and children’s entertainment. This is what happens when parents sit back and do nothing.

This is why we launched PragerU Kids, offering pro-American kids shows, cartoons, and literature that parents trust and children love. When your children watch PragerU Kids, you can trust they will encounter only wholesome, age-appropriate content that is both entertaining and educational. 

Enough is enough! This has to stop. Sign the petition to demand that children’s media and education stop sexualizing our children.