How this Michigan State University Professor turned Indoctrination into a $120,000 Profit

Getty Images/Kirby Lee
I spent four years studying at Michigan State University and thoroughly enjoyed my time there, leading my fraternity, joining clubs, and preparing for my future. I graduated in 2022 and was proud to call myself a Spartan. Unfortunately, that sense of pride is fading fast as the university shifts its focus from educating students to indoctrinating them.
Michigan State University is being sued by two second-year students, Nathan Barbieri and Nolan Radomski, for violating their First Amendment rights. It was recently
reported that Michigan State Professor Dr. Amy Wisner required her business students to purchase an annual subscription to her “Patriarchy Rebellion Community” website for $99. It’s estimated the former professor could have made off with $120,000 from the venture. MSU is now footing the bill to reimburse students for their subscription purchases.
As reported by Young America’s Foundation, Wisner claimed in a now-deleted Facebook post that the “rebellion” community was a “safe place to coordinate our efforts to burn everything to the f****** ground” and that “100% of membership fees are donated to Planned Parenthood.” Wisner’s online presence makes it apparent that she is more concerned with promoting political activism than education. Her LinkedIn profile displays her preferred pronouns and her banner proudly boasts “Black Lives Matter.”
According to one student who was in that class, Wisner would routinely encourage students in her class to spend more money on her website. Nick Buckles, who was a student in Wisner’s class, said in an exclusive statement to PragerU, “During class, we would watch many Rebellion videos. The first 60% would be Dr. Wisner and/or another person talking about many political opinions. The remaining 40% of the video would be them promoting the Rebellion and pitching deals to the students to spend more money.”
Buckles and his fellow classmates expressed frustration with being forced to spend money on the explicitly political website and believed “it was a quick way for her to make money and spread her beliefs.” Additionally, the third-year finance major stated, “I was disappointed that this person was given a position of authority at our school and abused her position for personal gain. I am glad the school has put a stop to this abuse of power and unethical behavior.”
While it appears Michigan State University fired Wisner for abusing her position to peddle her politics to students, MSU is equally guilty of trafficking
left-wing propaganda to young, impressionable minds. Michigan State University recently released an “inclusive communications” guide. The guide encourages students to refrain from using the word “female” when referring to women, to swap “women’s/men’s restroom” for “restroom,” and to move away from “male-centric father-son language.” This is the state of so-called “higher education” in 2023.
It’s becoming abundantly clear that American universities are no longer institutions that prioritize critical thinking and teach marketable skills, but instead promote a left-wing agenda and aim to turn students into social activists. My PragerU colleague Anabella Rockwell recently shared her experience being politically groomed throughout her time at Mount Holyoke College and subsequently having to be “deprogrammed” upon graduation. Rockwell recalled leaving the university feeling “totally indoctrinated into viewing the world as a toxic patriarchy and herself as an oppressed victim.”
Meanwhile, university tuition costs have been steadily increasing at a significantly faster pace than the general inflation rate. The high cost of tuition coupled with universities promoting politics over education are causing parents across America to reconsider their decision to shell out thousands of dollars for the opportunity to send their children to these reeducation camps. This sentiment is reflected in the college admissions
reports from fall 2012 to fall 2022, showing college student enrollment dropping by about 1.9 million students, or by almost 10%.
The downfall of higher education in America is alarming. Institutions that were once bastions of academic discourse, critical thinking, and comprehensive education are being uprooted and destroyed at the hands of woke teachers and administrators. Left-wing, anti-American propaganda has spread through our universities like a cancer. Eliminating these woke teachers and scrubbing the rampant political bias from within them is the only logical path toward remission.
Michigan State University’s decision to remove Dr. Amy Wisner from its faculty is a positive sign. But make no mistake, the seeds of left-wing propaganda have sprouted deep roots and the battle to reclaim our universities in the name of objective truth is going to be arduous. Right now, each and every one of us has an important choice to make: fight for higher education or submit to the radical Left’s destruction of our once-great institutions. Which will you choose?
Aldo Buttazzoni is a cultural and political commentator and the host of the “Man on the Street” series for PragerU.
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