PragerU is now an approved educational resource in multiple states across the country, including our newest state, Idaho. Our free lesson plans align with national standards while teaching American history, civics, character building, financial literacy, and more. We are excited to announce our latest state partnerships, as well as answers to common questions about this initiative with our FAQs below.
South Carolina’s Department of Education has integrated PragerU Kids’ civics, financial literacy, and other resources into its official learning portal, now accessible to educators across the state. This partnership broadens the range of K-12 social studies materials, offering teachers and students engaging videos, worksheets, lesson plans, and books that celebrate America’s rich history, values, and founding principles. The supplemental educational resources are designed to complement existing curriculum, and include special content tailored for Constitution Week in September.
Social Studies learning in Louisiana may now include PragerU Kids' content and select 5-Minute Videos, which align seamlessly with the state's learning standards. In addition, PragerU Kids content has been curated to correlate with "Freedom Week," which coincides with the national Constitutional Week celebration in September.
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PragerU’s educational resources are now available in Arizona, as celebrated with a ribbon-cutting ceremony and press conference in partnership with School Superintendent Tom Horne and State Senator Jake Hoffman.
Students in Oklahoma schools have the opportunity to learn from PragerU’s wholesome, patriotic, and age-appropriate content. PragerU CEO Marissa Streit is joined by Ryan Walters, the Superintendent of Public Instruction, to announce this important partnership.
PragerU CEO Marissa Streit is joined by Elsie Arntzen, Montana Superintendent of Public Instruction, to discuss the importance of parents in education and how PragerU can help forge this valuable partnership.
PragerU’s supplementary educational resources are on the approved vendor list in the state of Texas. Watch as PragerU CEO Marissa Streit sits with Julie Pickren, State Board of Education Member District 7, to make this important initiative.
Florida is the first state to approve PragerU Kids as an optional educational resource for students across the state. Children in thousands of K-12 Florida schools now have the opportunity to learn financial literacy, civics, American history, and more.
PragerU Kids’ latest partnership with Idaho brings a comprehensive collection of social studies supplemental resources aligned with K-12 standards. These resources include a Constitution guide to teach the founding principles of the United States and financial literacy content through Cash Course, equipping students with essential money management skills. This partnership also marks the first time PragerU is offering K-12 Holocaust education resources to a state, aiming to promote respect and combat antisemitism through age-appropriate lessons.
New Hampshire students can satisfy their financial literacy graduation requirement with the PragerU’s Cash Course module online! PragerU CEO Marissa Streit is joined by Frank Edelblut, Commissioner of Education in New Hampshire, to discuss PragerU and the state’s Learn Everywhere Program.
PragerU is an approved vendor/educational partner in several states, including Florida, Oklahoma, Texas, Montana, Louisiana, South Carolina, Idaho and Arizona (with many more states in the works!). Students in New Hampshire can also earn high school credit for financial literacy by completing our Cash Course module through the state’s “Learn Everywhere Program.”
At PragerU, we believe in educational choice and we proudly affirm and defend every community’s right to select their own materials. We develop our materials to provide more options for teachers, school boards, and local communities to supplement their existing curriculum at their own discretion.
All of our materials are available for free online. If schools want to purchase our printed materials directly from Amazon, they can now be reimbursed with state funds in certain states like Florida where we are an approved educational vendor.
We at PragerU continue to pursue and learn various approval processes, as they vary from state to state. We are eager to get approved in every state just like other educational vendors such as Scholastic and BrainPOP and we are continuing to add to our robust quantity of classroom-ready resources.
Our PragerU Kids content has been made into turnkey lesson plans designed for K-12 students, but it is ultimately up to individual schools and districts to choose whatever content fits their communities and needs best.
In one PragerU Kids cartoon adventure, brother and sister duo Leo and Layla visit the former slave and famous abolitionist, Frederick Douglass, who says, “Our system is wonderful, and the Constitution is a glorious liberty document! We just need to convince enough Americans to be true to it.”
While PragerU has been criticized for “putting words” in Douglass’s mouth, the phrase “the Constitution is a glorious liberty document!” is taken directly from Douglass’s famous 1852 Fourth of July speech, one of the greatest speeches in American history. It should be required reading for every American high school student.
Douglass hated slavery and worked hard within the American system to abolish it. That is why he joined the Republican Party, encouraged free blacks to join the Union Army, and wanted Americans to adhere to their Constitution, not throw it out—all of which is explained in this animated video for elementary students.
In another cartoon episode, Leo and Layla visit Christopher Columbus, who makes the following statement: “Slavery is as old as time and has taken place in every corner of the world…I don’t see the problem.”
Critics on the left seem to dislike the way Columbus speaks about slavery in this cartoon. But had he condemned it, that would have been inaccurate. Slavery was commonplace from the dawn of history until centuries after Columbus’s death. From his perspective, it was just the way the world worked.
PragerU never minimizes the evils of slavery. Our critics choose to either ignore or lie about PragerU’s condemnation of slavery as an awful part of American history in these cartoons and many other pieces of content.
While some paraphrasing is useful for relaying complex ideas to a young audience, PragerU is meticulous about thoroughly researching the facts, clearly representing accurate history, and offering important age-appropriate context, something that is sorely lacking in the contemporary teaching of history. Based on the backlash we receive, it is evident that our critics do not hold themselves to the same standards.
PragerU acknowledges the reality of the Earth's warming while rejecting the notion of an existential crisis caused solely by human activity. Furthermore, we do not accept the unfounded assertion that “the science is settled,” as there continues to be much discourse and debate amongst experts regarding the cause and severity of climate change, most of which is ignored, censored, or unreported by most media.
We are especially concerned that trillions of dollars are being wasted pursuing unproductive “solutions” like wind and solar while reliable, efficient, and affordable solutions like nuclear power are vilified. Meanwhile, poor communities and developing nations that need access to cheap and abundant sources of energy are disproportionately harmed by the blind determination of the green agenda to ban fossil fuels.
PragerU cares deeply about truth and critically following the evidence where it leads us. We have over 30 5-Minute Videos on climate change and energy featuring many scientific experts, including Dr. Richard Lindzen, Michael Shellenberger, Alex Epstein, Steven Koonin, Ph.D., Dr. Patrick Moore, co-founder of Greenpeace, Mark Mills, physicist and Senior Fellow at the Manhattan Institute, and Dr. Bjorn Lomborg, all of whom have been silenced by political elites and special interest groups.
We are committed to providing an alternative point of view, spreading truth to millions, and giving a voice to experts who have been silenced because their rigorous research does not align with the “approved narrative.”
Dennis’s remarks on indoctrination refer to the historical meaning of passing on doctrines from teacher to pupil within the classical education tradition. Unfortunately, since the advent of government schools, Marxists have intentionally infiltrated our educational institutions, seeking to impose their radical ideology on our students and transform our classrooms into social justice factories.
Sadly, many American schools prioritize radical activism over foundational education, neglecting core subjects like reading, writing, math, and model citizenship. We can no longer trust the education system with the task of properly indoctrinating our youth.
PragerU is answering the needs of millions of parents, teachers, and concerned Americans who are desperate for wholesome, age-appropriate educational resources that provide an alternate perspective. As an approved educational resource in multiple states across the country, PragerU’s free lesson plans align with national standards while teaching American history, civics, character building, financial literacy, and more.
Our content teaches children to appreciate their country, be grateful, and treat all humans with kindness and dignity regardless of their last name, gender, or skin color. If loving America, teaching religious tolerance, protecting children’s innocence, and promoting equality over equity is considered “right-wing indoctrination,” it is only because our education system has been so thoroughly corrupted by Marxist ideologies.
We believe in imparting the values that make America unique to the next generation and see no reason to apologize for it.
In response to criticism suggesting that PragerU Kids presents a revisionist, intentionally misleading, “whitewashed,” or context-lacking version of history, it's important to note that many critics seem to have overlooked substantial portions of our content. Our library of over 500 PragerU Kids videos, books, magazines, worksheets, and lesson plans includes videos on Clara Barton, Ida B. Wells, Martin Luther King, Booker T. Washington, and Sadao Munemori—heroes who represent the best of America.
At PragerU Kids, we provide an alternative to the dominant, left-wing ideologies infecting our schools and the Marxist lens of oppressor vs. oppressed. We offer a balanced view of America’s complex history that is accurate, reliable, truthful, and age-appropriate.