Prager United

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Perks & Benefits

- Gifts of exclusive PragerU merch 4 times a year
- Monthly updates from the PragerU team
- PragerUnited membership sticker
- PragerU store discount

pragerunited towel

Make a Bigger Impact

Perks and benefits are great, but more importantly, you get to join a movement of committed patriots who help sustain us month after month, year after year, so we can keep making great content, reaching more people, and changing more minds. Your monthly donation of $35 or more—that’s just a little over $1 per day—helps ensure that PragerU is here for the long haul and watched millions of times EACH AND EVERY DAY.

Choose Your Impact

Give $35/month

Your monthly contribution allows PragerU videos to be viewed over 1,750 times a month and more than 20,000 times each year. 

Give $50/month

Your donation makes an even greater impact, allowing us to reach thousands more young people and garner 30,000 views each year.

Give $100+/month

Your gift allows PragerU videos to be viewed 60,000 times per year. Plus, give $1,000 in less than one year and automatically join PragerU’s Donor Club at the Club One level.