The Ivy League Must Fall so America Can Rise

Getty Images/Paul Souders
We’ve been warning America for decades about the left-wing, illiberal indoctrination in our education system. And, for doing so, we have been called racist, bigoted, right-wing extremists.
Unfortunately, it took students celebrating the Hamas massacre, direct attacks against Jews on campuses, and the abysmal testimonies of presidents from our most “esteemed” colleges to finally wake people up. The moral rot on our campuses has been fully revealed for all Americans to see—an unsettling revelation that, regrettably, is no surprise.
Perhaps we can find a silver lining during these dark times? Americans are finally waking up—and they are starting to ask the right questions:
What is happening at our colleges? Why are university leaders so disappointing? Does the truth matter on America’s “elite” campuses?
Millions of Americans, busy working hard and raising their families, haven’t been paying attention to what was taking place on college campuses. They are now left wondering: what on earth is going on?
People who considered themselves “educated” and “open-minded” are now experiencing complete shock. The institutions they have been worshiping, where they spent a significant portion of their life’s savings and entrusted with their children, have completely betrayed them. Not only did they pay for a subpar education, but their children emerged brainwashed with radical illiberal and senseless ideas.
It’s important that Americans understand the truth about our educational institutions. These institutions have not failed, they have in fact succeeded in their goals. Our institutions were taken over by Marxist ideologues many years ago who strived to radically transform America into a divided society where morality, truth, and achievement don't matter. This is why Harvard has not fired its president despite the evidence of her academic plagiarism and diabolical congressional testimony regarding Jew hatred on campus. She is in fact the perfect match for them: morally and academically bankrupt. They truly belong together.
Decent Americans need to wake up and walk away from these rotten institutions because they cannot be fixed. We must stop supporting colleges that unapologetically indoctrinate young Americans with Marxist ideas. Americans might be concerned about Jew hatred on campus today, but it will not stop there. The hatred targeting American values (life, liberty, and e pluribus unum) and the celebration of Marxism is the root of the problem.
While communism is still a dirty word, Marxism isn’t. Americans are identifying with neo-Marxist ideas reinvented in cultural terms such as equity, fragility, intersectionality, and decolonization. Over the past few years, have you been wondering why students are rallying around BLM, calling to “defund the police,” demanding transgender rights, and, most recently, marching in support of terror groups like Hamas? Every single one of these ideas is rooted in Karl Marx’s ideology. The rise of neo-Marxism didn’t happen organically, and it isn’t sudden. This is a manufactured, decades-long strategy playing out in front of our eyes. Beginning in grade school, kids are taught racial division and moral relativism are good, while America’s founding principles and values are bad.
Millions of young people have unwittingly become pawns in a cultural Marxist revolution led by our institutions—many of them considered “elite” and nearly worshiped by Americans.
This isn’t just being promoted by eccentric sociology professors on historically left-leaning campuses. Marxist brainwashing is running rampant from kindergarten to post-graduate institutions, spreading like wildfire online, and infiltrating our local communities nationwide.
How are America’s enemies doing this from within?
First, our education system, led by and infested with neo-Marxists, categorizes people into victim groups. Young people are being assigned to categories based on characteristics like race and gender. You are either the victim or the victimizer. The oppressed or the oppressor. If you happen to be a white, heterosexual male (the horror!), the only way to possibly seek redemption is by becoming an “ally” to one or more of these victim groups.
Second, these grievance groups unite and act through "intersectionality.” This involves protesting for “social justice” through civil unrest—even violence is sanctioned by this radical ideology. Often estranged from their families' traditional values, young people find a distorted sense of purpose and belonging in this so-called “noble revolution.”
The goal is to transform America into a utopian Marxist paradise. The true result will be a hellscape of chaos, decay, and moral corruption that jeopardizes everything we hold dear—and tears apart the fabric of society. If the left has its way, let me spell out what will happen: The nuclear family will be a thing of the past. Boys and men will have their masculinity undermined (if not eliminated). Fewer women will have children and fewer children will experience the joys of motherhood. Young people will berendered physically and mentally incompetent. America’s founding principles will be forgotten;. Judeo-Christian values will be deliberately erased, leading to God being supplanted by government. All of this will be done with the goal of eliminating our cherished liberties and freedoms.
If America falls, we won’t be taken down by bullets and tanks. We will be taken down from within. Our nation’s adversaries are watching. America as we know it cannot survive if young people continue to embrace destructive leftist ideas and reject Judeo-Christian values.
About a third of Americans of all ages are largely undecided on ideology or how they feel about the role of government in their lives. Many of them aren’t opposed to ideas that conserve the American way, they’ve just never heard them properly articulated before. This growing faction of “ideologically homeless” Americans senses that something has gone wrong in our country but doesn’t know how we got here, or how to fix it. Now is the time to teach young Americans that our ideas are worth conserving, and that the senseless ideas they are learning make zero sense!
What do we need to be teaching our young people to counter Marxism’s insidious, ungrateful grievance against America? For starters, they need to learn that morality exists and that moral relativism leads to horror. They need to be reminded of the importance of objective Truth, rather than the idea that there is only “my truth” or “your truth.” They need to be trained to be self-reliant and take personal responsibility, and that both traits make marriage and families possible. They need to know American history – both the bad and the good, rather than masochistically focusing on the bad and ignoring the good. One of those good things that they should learn, as well, is the brilliance of America’s founding documents, not to mention the goodness of free markets. The trend of dividing our nation into ever smaller and (often) imaginary racial, ethnic, and gender identity groups must end, to be replaced with a renewed focus on the old idea of e pluribus unum, rather than multicultural patchwork politics. In a word, they need to learn good old-fashioned common sense.
We have a moral responsibility to save America for our children and grandchildren.
President Lincoln understood that the United States is “the last best hope of earth.” There is no other country that offers the liberty and opportunities that fueled America’s unparalleled success. If our beloved nation falters, there is no alternative. It's time to save America. It’s time to defend truth, and affirm our values. To stand up for America and the West, to push back against the spread of Marxism, hatred, and lies.
Defending America means walking away from institutions we once believed in (even idolized) and starting anew. These institutions are rotten to the core and can’t be fixed. According to the Council for Advancement and Support of Education (CASE), America’s colleges and universities received nearly $60 billion in charitable gifts in 2022—imagine if that money instead funded educational institutions that teach young people the truth about America?
If you need to find the courage to walk away, look at America’s children. Look at your own children and grandchildren. They don’t deserve this radical indoctrination. They deserve a moral America where they can thrive and prosper. If seeing this institutional moral rot isn’t enough to wake you up and take action, I don’t know what is.
This column was originally posted on