At PragerU, we love America! Millions of patriots are using PragerU to learn about America’s unique history and values, celebrate its independence, and show off their patriotism with pride. Join us and tell the world that you’re proud to be an American.
Help PragerU reach our goal of covering the country with symbols of patriotism. Get two FREE Proud to Be an American stickers to loudly and proudly display.
Something as simple and non-controversial as flying the American flag on the 4th of July (or all year long) has become politicized and even vilified by the left. Fight back. Take the pledge to fly the flag and take pride in America.
Modeled after the Jewish Passover Seder, PragerU’s 4th of July Declaration Ceremony reminds people of all ages what we celebrate on Independence Day. Watch the video and download instructions to host your own 4th of July Declaration Ceremony.
Watch PragerU’s 10-part 5-Minute Video series on America’s founding document. Featuring some of the country’s most renowned constitutional scholars, you'll learn how the Constitution has guided America for centuries.