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Students no longer learn that America is a land of opportunity, a defender of freedom around the world, and a source of pride. Instead, they are taught that America is a land of inequality, racism, imperialism, and, ultimately, shame that can only be redeemed through the adoption of leftist ideals. As Ronald Reagan said, “Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction.” Never before in America has Reagan’s warning felt so real.
At PragerU, we believe that every student deserves the opportunity to learn about the founding principles that have made the United States the freest, most prosperous, and most generous society in human history. Through our Educators Program, we can help you make a difference in your students’ lives, and we can help ensure that this generation of American students passes on the mantle of freedom to the next generation, and doesn’t allow it to go extinct.
Through short, educational videos we help ensure that young Americans hear both sides of the argument and that they understand key, basic concepts in history, economics, foreign affairs and philosophy. The experts who appear in PragerU videos are some of the finest thinkers in the world. PragerU distills their ideas into engaging, accessible five-minute videos so that they’ll be digested by millions of Americans, including you and your students.
Our goal is to reach every teacher and professor who shares our values. We are building the largest community of conservative educators in America.
“I am a public school teacher who works in a district outside of Cleveland…I do believe these videos speak to the young and old alike, and I have found them to be well-crafted and very thought provoking.
Thanks again for providing such a quality service. I cannot contribute much monetarily, but I want you and others to know what a great resource Prager University is."