Woke professors determined to transform students into social justice activists.
Emotional lectures on "white privilege," the "climate crisis," and "systemic racism."
Courses that teach America is sexist, intolerant, xenophobic, homophobic, Islamophobic, racist, and bigoted.
Pro-Palestinian rallies advocating for Israel's destruction.
Forget Shakespeare. Now colleges offer courses on queer theory, intersectionality, and Taylor Swift.
Graduates leave with massive debt and no employable skills, after being brainwashed to hate America.
We offer a 100% free alternative to the radical ideologies on college campuses.
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PragerU is NOT a real university. And proud of it! America’s academic institutions—once bastions of higher learning—have become overpriced indoctrination factories. PragerU is a 100% free alternative, teaching what isn’t taught, and we want everyone to know it.
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