American Media, Soviet Tactics

James O'KeefeJames O'Keefe5-Minute Videos
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Can You Trust the NY Times?

Can You Trust the NY Times?

5-Minute VideosAshley Rindsberg
How to Become a Dangerous Person

How to Become a Dangerous Person

5-Minute VideosNancy Rommelmann
Why No One Trusts The Mainstream Media

Why No One Trusts The Mainstream Media

5-Minute VideosSharyl Attkisson
The "Anti-Hate" Group That Is a Hate Group

The "Anti-Hate" Group That Is a Hate Group

5-Minute VideosKarl Zinsmeister
Can You Trust the Press?

Can You Trust the Press?

5-Minute VideosJudith Miller
Did Bush Lie About Iraq?

Did Bush Lie About Iraq?

5-Minute VideosJudith Miller
Can We Tax Our Way to Equality?

Can We Tax Our Way to Equality?

5-Minute VideosJoshua Rauh
Why I Left Utopia

Why I Left Utopia

5-Minute VideosKonstantin Kisin
What's Wrong with Censorship?

What's Wrong with Censorship?

5-Minute VideosPhilip Hamburger
Who Wouldn't Want Universal Basic Income?

Who Wouldn't Want Universal Basic Income?

5-Minute VideosAldo Buttazzoni
The Moral Case for Mockery

The Moral Case for Mockery

5-Minute VideosSeth Dillon
Is America Losing Its Mind?

Is America Losing Its Mind?

5-Minute VideosMichael Knowles
Understanding Marxism: Change the World

Understanding Marxism: Change the World

5-Minute VideosC. Bradley Thompson
Understanding Marxism: From Each According to His Ability...

Understanding Marxism: From Each According to His Ability...

5-Minute VideosC. Bradley Thompson
Understanding Marxism: The Enemy of Being Is Having

Understanding Marxism: The Enemy of Being Is Having

5-Minute VideosC. Bradley Thompson
When Big Business Went Woke

When Big Business Went Woke

5-Minute VideosVivek Ramaswamy
Totalitarianism: Can It Happen in America?

Totalitarianism: Can It Happen in America?

5-Minute VideosRod Dreher
What Radical Islam and the Woke Have in Common

What Radical Islam and the Woke Have in Common

5-Minute VideosAyaan Hirsi Ali
Who Celebrates Che Guevara?

Who Celebrates Che Guevara?

5-Minute VideosGloria Alvarez
Is Communism Moral?

Is Communism Moral?

5-Minute VideosDennis Prager
Did Capitalism Save Communist China?

Did Capitalism Save Communist China?

5-Minute VideosHelen Raleigh
I Used To Be Antifa

I Used To Be Antifa

5-Minute VideosGabriel Nadales
What Is Identity Socialism?

What Is Identity Socialism?

5-Minute VideosDinesh D'Souza
Be Brave

Be Brave

5-Minute VideosNikki Haley
Capitalism or Socialism: Which One Is More Democratic?

Capitalism or Socialism: Which One Is More Democratic?

5-Minute VideosDinesh D'Souza
They Say Scandinavia But They Mean Venezuela

They Say Scandinavia But They Mean Venezuela

5-Minute VideosDebbie D'Souza
Never Apologize to the Mob

Never Apologize to the Mob

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PragerU v. YouTube

PragerU v. YouTube

5-Minute VideosEric George
What Happened in Charlottesville?

What Happened in Charlottesville?

5-Minute VideosSteve Cortes
Was Jesus a Socialist?

Was Jesus a Socialist?

5-Minute VideosLawrence Reed
Who Does the Media Most Want to Silence?

Who Does the Media Most Want to Silence?

5-Minute VideosHeather Higgins
Is Denmark Socialist?

Is Denmark Socialist?

5-Minute VideosOtto Brøns-Petersen
Capitalism vs. Socialism

Capitalism vs. Socialism

5-Minute VideosAndy Puzder
Who Is Karl Marx?

Who Is Karl Marx?

5-Minute VideosPaul Kengor
Control the Words, Control the Culture

Control the Words, Control the Culture

5-Minute VideosMichael Knowles
Hollywood Wants Your Money...and Your Mind

Hollywood Wants Your Money...and Your Mind

5-Minute VideosBen Shapiro
What Happens When Google Disagrees With You?

What Happens When Google Disagrees With You?

5-Minute VideosJames Damore
How's Socialism Doing in Venezuela?

How's Socialism Doing in Venezuela?

5-Minute VideosDebbie D'Souza
What Is Fake News?

What Is Fake News?

5-Minute VideosAndrew Klavan
Why Isn't Communism as Hated as Nazism?

Why Isn't Communism as Hated as Nazism?

5-Minute VideosDennis Prager
How Socialism Ruined My Country

How Socialism Ruined My Country

5-Minute VideosFelipe Moura Brasil
Democratic Socialism Is Still Socialism

Democratic Socialism Is Still Socialism

5-Minute VideosSteven Crowder
The Dark Art of Political Intimidation

The Dark Art of Political Intimidation

5-Minute VideosKimberley Strassel
Immigrants! Don't Support What You Fled

Immigrants! Don't Support What You Fled

5-Minute VideosGloria Alvarez
Socialism Makes People Selfish

Socialism Makes People Selfish

5-Minute VideosDennis Prager
America's Socialist Origins

America's Socialist Origins

5-Minute VideosLarry Schweikart
Sticks and Stones

Sticks and Stones

5-Minute VideosTom Shillue
Does Free Speech Offend You?

Does Free Speech Offend You?

5-Minute VideosGreg Lukianoff
Why I Left Greenpeace

Why I Left Greenpeace

5-Minute VideosPatrick Moore
The Least Free Place in America

The Least Free Place in America

5-Minute VideosGreg Lukianoff