American Media, Soviet Tactics
The job of a journalist is to report facts, add context where necessary, and leave it to the consumer to decide what he thinks. In this video, James O’Keefe, founder and president of Project Veritas, explains why fewer and fewer people trust modern-day “journalism.”

Can You Trust the NY Times?
5-Minute Videos•Ashley Rindsberg

How to Become a Dangerous Person
5-Minute Videos•Nancy Rommelmann

Why No One Trusts The Mainstream Media
5-Minute Videos•Sharyl Attkisson

The "Anti-Hate" Group That Is a Hate Group
5-Minute Videos•Karl Zinsmeister

Can You Trust the Press?
5-Minute Videos•Judith Miller

Did Bush Lie About Iraq?
5-Minute Videos•Judith Miller

Can We Tax Our Way to Equality?
5-Minute Videos•Joshua Rauh

Why I Left Utopia
5-Minute Videos•Konstantin Kisin

What's Wrong with Censorship?
5-Minute Videos•Philip Hamburger

Who Wouldn't Want Universal Basic Income?
5-Minute Videos•Aldo Buttazzoni

The Moral Case for Mockery
5-Minute Videos•Seth Dillon

Is America Losing Its Mind?
5-Minute Videos•Michael Knowles

Understanding Marxism: Change the World
5-Minute Videos•C. Bradley Thompson

Understanding Marxism: From Each According to His Ability...
5-Minute Videos•C. Bradley Thompson

Understanding Marxism: The Enemy of Being Is Having
5-Minute Videos•C. Bradley Thompson

When Big Business Went Woke
5-Minute Videos•Vivek Ramaswamy

Totalitarianism: Can It Happen in America?
5-Minute Videos•Rod Dreher

What Radical Islam and the Woke Have in Common
5-Minute Videos•Ayaan Hirsi Ali

Who Celebrates Che Guevara?
5-Minute Videos•Gloria Alvarez

Is Communism Moral?
5-Minute Videos•Dennis Prager

Did Capitalism Save Communist China?
5-Minute Videos•Helen Raleigh

I Used To Be Antifa
5-Minute Videos•Gabriel Nadales

What Is Identity Socialism?
5-Minute Videos•Dinesh D'Souza

Be Brave
5-Minute Videos•Nikki Haley

Capitalism or Socialism: Which One Is More Democratic?
5-Minute Videos•Dinesh D'Souza

They Say Scandinavia But They Mean Venezuela
5-Minute Videos•Debbie D'Souza

Never Apologize to the Mob
5-Minute Videos•Paris Dennard

PragerU v. YouTube
5-Minute Videos•Eric George

What Happened in Charlottesville?
5-Minute Videos•Steve Cortes

Was Jesus a Socialist?
5-Minute Videos•Lawrence Reed

Who Does the Media Most Want to Silence?
5-Minute Videos•Heather Higgins

Is Denmark Socialist?
5-Minute Videos•Otto Brøns-Petersen

Capitalism vs. Socialism
5-Minute Videos•Andy Puzder

Who Is Karl Marx?
5-Minute Videos•Paul Kengor

Control the Words, Control the Culture
5-Minute Videos•Michael Knowles

Hollywood Wants Your Money...and Your Mind
5-Minute Videos•Ben Shapiro

What Happens When Google Disagrees With You?
5-Minute Videos•James Damore

How's Socialism Doing in Venezuela?
5-Minute Videos•Debbie D'Souza

What Is Fake News?
5-Minute Videos•Andrew Klavan

Why Isn't Communism as Hated as Nazism?
5-Minute Videos•Dennis Prager

How Socialism Ruined My Country
5-Minute Videos•Felipe Moura Brasil

Democratic Socialism Is Still Socialism
5-Minute Videos•Steven Crowder

The Dark Art of Political Intimidation
5-Minute Videos•Kimberley Strassel

Immigrants! Don't Support What You Fled
5-Minute Videos•Gloria Alvarez

Socialism Makes People Selfish
5-Minute Videos•Dennis Prager

America's Socialist Origins
5-Minute Videos•Larry Schweikart

Sticks and Stones
5-Minute Videos•Tom Shillue

Does Free Speech Offend You?
5-Minute Videos•Greg Lukianoff

Why I Left Greenpeace
5-Minute Videos•Patrick Moore

The Least Free Place in America
5-Minute Videos•Greg Lukianoff