Different Ways to Budget

Learn budgeting basics as we dive deep into six different methods for managing your finances, including the 50-30-20 rule, how to decide which budgeting method is right for you, and tips for reaching your financial goals.

Artificial Intelligence and Fraud

Scams and Fraud

Warranties and Guarantees

Navigating Auto Insurance

Cybercrimes and You

Student Loans 101

Checking and Savings Accounts

What Is Investing?

Profits & Losses: The Hidden Signal

Measuring Economic Performance

Schools of Economic Thought

Economic Policies and You

Why Economic Systems Matter

Making Economic Decisions

Scarcity and Choice

The Role of Prices

Inflation & Your Money

Currency II: Foreign Exchange

Taxes II: Capital Gains

Accounting Basics 101

The Basics of Inheritance

Understanding Assets and Liabilities


Understanding Health Insurance

Renting vs. Owning

Investing & Bonds

Manage Your Financial Hygiene

Know Your Tax Forms: W-2 & W-4

How Are You Getting Paid?

Insurance Basics

Simple vs. Compound Interest

Using Credit and Debit Cards

Using Financial Institutions

Understanding Taxes

Borrowing Money

What Is Currency?

What Is Debt?

Good vs. Bad Credit

What Are Savings?

Trailer: Financial Literacy Cash Course

The Wild Ride of Economic Cycles

The Great Federal Reserve Mystery

The Cost of Price Controls

America's Economic Secret Sauce

Gambling with Your Money

Taxes III: Freelancing & 1099s

What Is Bankruptcy?

Becoming a Business

Understanding Retirement Savings Accounts