Does It Feel Good or Does It Do Good? Left vs. Right #2
When setting public policy, what's more important: intentions or results? Feeling good or doing good? When it comes to being guided by the heart or by the mind, the Left and Right are very different.

How the Left Sees the World: Power, Race, and Class
5-Minute Videos•Dennis Prager

Why Are So Many Good Things Being Destroyed?
5-Minute Videos•Dennis Prager

How Big Should Government Be? Left vs. Right #1
5-Minute Videos•Dennis Prager

How Do You Judge America? Left vs. Right #3
5-Minute Videos•Dennis Prager

Left or Liberal?
5-Minute Videos•Dennis Prager

The Inconvenient Truth About the Republican Party
5-Minute Videos•Carol Swain

Democratic Socialism Is Still Socialism
5-Minute Videos•Steven Crowder

How Do We Make Society Better? Left vs. Right #5
5-Minute Videos•Dennis Prager

How Do You Deal with Painful Truths? Left vs. Right #4
5-Minute Videos•Dennis Prager

The Benefits of Conservatism
5-Minute Videos•Greg Gutfeld

The American Trinity
5-Minute Videos•Dennis Prager

The Torah Part IV: Let My People Go
5-Minute Videos•Dennis Prager

The Torah Part III: Between Two Pharaohs
5-Minute Videos•Dennis Prager

The Torah Part II: Cain & Abel to Joseph
5-Minute Videos•Dennis Prager

The Torah Part I: Creation to Adam & Eve
5-Minute Videos•Dennis Prager

Your Parents Don't Deserve This
5-Minute Videos•Dennis Prager

Sex Is Binary
5-Minute Videos•Colin Wright

Want a Full Life? Prepare for Pain.
5-Minute Videos•Dennis Prager

Are We Living on Stolen Land?
5-Minute Videos•Jeff Fynn-Paul

What Are Judeo-Christian Values?
5-Minute Videos•Dennis Prager

Don’t Trust Your Conscience
5-Minute Videos•Dennis Prager

Lying Liars
5-Minute Videos•Tim Pool

The Myth of Overpopulation
5-Minute Videos•Marian Tupy

Confessions of an Environmentalist
5-Minute Videos•Brian Gitt

Do What You Fear
5-Minute Videos•Dennis Prager

The Truth about Gender-Affirming Care
5-Minute Videos•Kaylee McGhee White

The DEI Disaster
5-Minute Videos•Christian Watson

Why Do You Hate Conservatives?
5-Minute Videos•Amala Ekpunobi

Deuteronomy: Why It’s Hard to Love God
5-Minute Videos•Dennis Prager

Why the Road to Hell Is Paved with Good Intentions
5-Minute Videos•Dennis Prager

Why You Should Care About Passover
5-Minute Videos•Dennis Prager

Ronald Reagan: The Great Communicator
5-Minute Videos•Scott Walker

Why You Shouldn't Live In Fear
5-Minute Videos•Dennis Prager

Is America's Government Secular?
5-Minute Videos•Robert George

The Plantation: Then and Now
5-Minute Videos•Candace Owens

Should We Be Colorblind?
5-Minute Videos•Dennis Prager

The Difference Between a Democracy and a Republic
5-Minute Videos•Robert George

The Georgia Reform Law: Who Wants Fair Elections?
5-Minute Videos•Hans von Spakovsky

Are Fathers Necessary?
5-Minute Videos•Dennis Prager

Is Communism Moral?
5-Minute Videos•Dennis Prager

How to Steal an Election: Mail-In Ballots
5-Minute Videos•Eric Eggers

Where Do You Want to Live: Red State or Blue State?
5-Minute Videos•Stephen Moore

Why I Love America
5-Minute Videos•Dennis Prager

Who's More Radical: The Left or the Right?
5-Minute Videos•Will Witt

Graduation 2020: The COVID Class
5-Minute Videos•Dennis Prager

The Bravery Deficit
5-Minute Videos•Dave Rubin

Why Are So Many Young People Unhappy?
5-Minute Videos•Dennis Prager

Is Voter Fraud Real?
5-Minute Videos•Eric Eggers

Why the West Won
5-Minute Videos•Niall Ferguson

What Was the Enlightenment?
5-Minute Videos•Yoram Hazony