Why Is California Burning?

John KobyltJohn Kobylt5-Minute Videos
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...It Must Be Climate Change!

...It Must Be Climate Change!

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Is There Really a Climate Emergency?

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What's Wrong with Wind and Solar?

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The Paris Climate Agreement Won't Change the Climate

The Paris Climate Agreement Won't Change the Climate

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Can a Desert Nation Solve the World's Water Shortage?

Can a Desert Nation Solve the World's Water Shortage?

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Do 97% of Climate Scientists Really Agree?

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Climate Change: What Do Scientists Say?

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Is Climate Change Our Biggest Problem?

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What They Haven't Told You about Climate Change

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The Real Climate Crisis

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Who Wants to Follow California?

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How Much Energy Will the World Need?

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Are Pipelines Safe?

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The Great Texas Freeze of 2021

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Nuclear Energy: Abundant, Clean, and Safe

Nuclear Energy: Abundant, Clean, and Safe

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Do We Have to Destroy the Earth to Save It?

Do We Have to Destroy the Earth to Save It?

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Ready to Be Honest about Environmentalism?

Ready to Be Honest about Environmentalism?

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What's the Deal with the Green New Deal?

What's the Deal with the Green New Deal?

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Why Can't America Fill a Pothole?

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Can Climate Models Predict Climate Change?

Can Climate Models Predict Climate Change?

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The War On Cars

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Is Organic Food Worth the Cost?

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Climate Change: What's So Alarming?

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Fossil Fuels: Greener than You Think

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Are Electric Cars Really Green?

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Can We Rely on Wind and Solar Energy?

Can We Rely on Wind and Solar Energy?

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Are GMOs Good or Bad?

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The Truth about CO2

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Why I Left Greenpeace

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The Hall of Evil: Pol Pot

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The Hall of Evil: Mao Zedong

The Hall of Evil: Mao Zedong

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The Hall of Evil: Adolf Hitler

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The Hall of Evil: Joseph Stalin

The Hall of Evil: Joseph Stalin

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The Hall of Evil: Vladimir Lenin

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The Torah Part III: Between Two Pharaohs

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How to Fix Social Security

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