Abraham Lincoln: The President Who Saved the Union

Teach elementary kids about our beloved 16th President, Abraham Lincoln, who grew up a poor farm boy and eventually led our country through the tumultuous Civil War. Even though he could have reprimanded the Confederacy for seceding from the Union, Lincoln never held a grudge or lost sight of his ultimate goal of reunifying the nation.

Ulysses S. Grant: The Victorious General of the Civil War

Joseph: From Prison to Pharaoh's Right Hand

John Adams & Thomas Jefferson: The Founding Fathers’ Friendship and Friction

Jacob: The Man Who Wrestled with God

Leonardo da Vinci: Visionary Artist and Inventor

Moses: The Leader of God’s People

C.S. Lewis: The Great Christian Author

King David: The Underdog King of Israel

Marcus Aurelius: The Wise Roman Emperor

George Washington: The Father of Our Country

George Marshall: The General Who Rebuilt Post-War Europe

Ruth: A Woman of Loyalty and Faithfulness

Teddy Roosevelt: The Cowboy Who Became President

Winston Churchill: The Courageous Prime Minister of WWII

Queen Victoria: The Elegant Queen of the British Empire

Ronald Reagan: The President Who Won the Cold War

Meet a Holocaust Survivor

Daniel: Faith over Fear

William Wilberforce: Ending the Slave Trade

Nicolaus Copernicus: Questioning the Center of Our Solar System

Theodor Herzl: Visionary of Modern Israel

John Locke: The Influencer of America's Founding

Abraham: The Father of Many Nations

Benjamin Banneker: Surveying the Future of America

Robert Wright & Kenneth Moore: World War II’s Medics of Mercy

Mary Ludwig Hays: Woman Warrior of the American Revolution

Michael Faraday: Pioneer of Electromagnetism

Hippocrates: The Father of Medicine

Queen Elizabeth I: The Unifying Queen of England

Menachem Begin & Anwar Sadat: Israel & Egypt's Treaty

Amerigo Vespucci: The Explorer Who Gave America Its Name

Madison & Montesquieu: The Men Who Gave Us Checks and Balances

Sadao Munemori: Patriotism in the Midst of Persecution

Pope John Paul II: The Pope Who Stood Against Communism

Lewis & Clark: Explorers of the American Frontier

Thomas Edison: The Innovator of the Light Bulb

Francis Scott Key: The Poet Behind the Star-Spangled Banner

Elizabeth Blackwell: America’s First Female Doctor

Justice John Marshall: The Great Chief Justice

Susan B. Anthony: Crusader for Women's Right to Vote

Esther: The Courageous Jewish Queen

Booker T. Washington: From Slavery to Self-Sufficiency

Leo Baekeland: The Innovator of Modern Plastics

Martin Luther King, Jr.: The Peaceful Civil Rights Leader

Mother Teresa: The Compassionate Missionary

Levi Strauss: The Innovative Inventor of Blue Jeans

Shakespeare: The British Playwright & Poet

Christopher Columbus: Explorer of the New World

Alexander Hamilton: America’s First Secretary of Treasury