Lower Taxes, Higher Revenue
Should Taxes Be Higher? It's the million dollar question! Up? Down? No change? Where in the world should taxes go? In election years, the question of tax rates fills the airwaves. In non-election years, the question of tax rates, again, fills the airwaves. So what's the answer? George Mason University Professor of Economics Tim Groseclose explains his research on the topic. Basically, there's a certain point at which higher tax rates actually reduce the amount of revenue the government collects. What's that point? When are tax rates too high? Learn a valuable lesson in economics, and public policy.

The Progressive Income Tax: A Tale of Three Brothers

Government: Too Big to Fix?

The Bankrupting of America

What Do We Do about the Homeless?

All I Want to Do Is Make Cookies

Why Can't America Fill a Pothole?

Public Union: Public Enemy

American Indians Are Still Getting a Raw Deal

Would a Flat Tax Be More Fair?

Is America's Tax System Fair?

Why Private Investment Works & Govt. Investment Doesn't

What is Crony Capitalism?

The War on Work

COVID Lockdowns: The Real Cost

Can We Tax Our Way to Equality?

How to Fix Social Security

What’s Not Fair about Free Trade?

Brazil: A Cautionary Tale

A Moral Case for Capitalism

Why the Gilded Age Was Golden

Big Business & Big Brother

Who Wouldn't Want Universal Basic Income?

Want a Revolution? Start a Business.

The Myth of Overpopulation

The Student Loan Forgiveness Scam

Calvin Coolidge: The Best President You Don't Know

Herbert Hoover: Success or Failure?

Warren Harding: The Least Appreciated President

The Constitution: Why a Republic?

What Is Inflation?

Small Business Is America

Milton Friedman: No Free Lunch

Who Wants to Follow California?

Seven Economic Truths

Big Government, Big Business, Big Problems

Totalitarianism: Can It Happen in America?

Are Pipelines Safe?

ESG: Woke to Broke

Alexander Hamilton and Capitalism: Making America

Is Communism Moral?

Did Capitalism Save Communist China?

Capitalism Wins

Why Are Utilities So Expensive?

Who Profits from the Green Energy Movement?

Capitalism or Socialism: Which One Is More Democratic?

Free the Freelancers

Minimum Wage Cost Me My Job

The Truth about Canadian Healthcare

The Market Will Set You Free