Lower Taxes, Higher Revenue

Tim GrosecloseTim Groseclose5-Minute Videos
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The Progressive Income Tax: A Tale of Three Brothers

The Progressive Income Tax: A Tale of Three Brothers

5-Minute VideosKip Hagopian
Government: Too Big to Fix?

Government: Too Big to Fix?

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The Bankrupting of America

The Bankrupting of America

5-Minute VideosStephen Moore
What Do We Do about the Homeless?

What Do We Do about the Homeless?

5-Minute VideosChristopher Rufo
All I Want to Do Is Make Cookies

All I Want to Do Is Make Cookies

5-Minute VideosJoseph Semprevivo
Why Can't America Fill a Pothole?

Why Can't America Fill a Pothole?

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Public Union: Public Enemy

Public Union: Public Enemy

5-Minute VideosAkash Chougule
American Indians Are Still Getting a Raw Deal

American Indians Are Still Getting a Raw Deal

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Would a Flat Tax Be More Fair?

Would a Flat Tax Be More Fair?

5-Minute VideosSteve Forbes
Is America's Tax System Fair?

Is America's Tax System Fair?

5-Minute VideosAmity Shlaes
Why Private Investment Works & Govt. Investment Doesn't

Why Private Investment Works & Govt. Investment Doesn't

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What is Crony Capitalism?

What is Crony Capitalism?

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The War on Work

The War on Work

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COVID Lockdowns: The Real Cost

COVID Lockdowns: The Real Cost

5-Minute VideosScott Atlas
Can We Tax Our Way to Equality?

Can We Tax Our Way to Equality?

5-Minute VideosJoshua Rauh
How to Fix Social Security

How to Fix Social Security

5-Minute VideosStephen Moore
What’s Not Fair about Free Trade?

What’s Not Fair about Free Trade?

5-Minute VideosDaniel Hannan
Brazil: A Cautionary Tale

Brazil: A Cautionary Tale

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A Moral Case for Capitalism

A Moral Case for Capitalism

5-Minute VideosDaniel Hannan
Why the Gilded Age Was Golden

Why the Gilded Age Was Golden

5-Minute VideosAmity Shlaes
Big Business & Big Brother

Big Business & Big Brother

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Who Wouldn't Want Universal Basic Income?

Who Wouldn't Want Universal Basic Income?

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Want a Revolution? Start a Business.

Want a Revolution? Start a Business.

5-Minute VideosAlfredo Ortiz
The Myth of Overpopulation

The Myth of Overpopulation

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The Student Loan Forgiveness Scam

The Student Loan Forgiveness Scam

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Calvin Coolidge: The Best President You Don't Know

Calvin Coolidge: The Best President You Don't Know

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Herbert Hoover: Success or Failure?

Herbert Hoover: Success or Failure?

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Warren Harding: The Least Appreciated President

Warren Harding: The Least Appreciated President

5-Minute VideosAmity Shlaes
The Constitution: Why a Republic?

The Constitution: Why a Republic?

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What Is Inflation?

What Is Inflation?

5-Minute VideosSteve Forbes
Small Business Is America

Small Business Is America

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Milton Friedman: No Free Lunch

Milton Friedman: No Free Lunch

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Who Wants to Follow California?

Who Wants to Follow California?

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Seven Economic Truths

Seven Economic Truths

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Big Government, Big Business, Big Problems

Big Government, Big Business, Big Problems

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Totalitarianism: Can It Happen in America?

Totalitarianism: Can It Happen in America?

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Are Pipelines Safe?

Are Pipelines Safe?

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 ESG: Woke to Broke

ESG: Woke to Broke

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 Alexander Hamilton and Capitalism: Making America

Alexander Hamilton and Capitalism: Making America

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Is Communism Moral?

Is Communism Moral?

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Did Capitalism Save Communist China?

Did Capitalism Save Communist China?

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Capitalism Wins

Capitalism Wins

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Why Are Utilities So Expensive?

Why Are Utilities So Expensive?

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Who Profits from the Green Energy Movement?

Who Profits from the Green Energy Movement?

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Capitalism or Socialism: Which One Is More Democratic?

Capitalism or Socialism: Which One Is More Democratic?

5-Minute VideosDinesh D'Souza
Free the Freelancers

Free the Freelancers

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Minimum Wage Cost Me My Job

Minimum Wage Cost Me My Job

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The Truth about Canadian Healthcare

The Truth about Canadian Healthcare

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The Market Will Set You Free

The Market Will Set You Free

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How Big Government Hurts Women

How Big Government Hurts Women

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