Brandon Straka: Identity Politics Is Dividing America

Brandon StrakaBrandon StrakaStories of Us
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John Rich: How Wokeness Killed Country Music

John Rich: How Wokeness Killed Country Music

Stories of UsJohn Rich
Selina Lewis: Don't Tell Me How to Think Because I'm Black

Selina Lewis: Don't Tell Me How to Think Because I'm Black

Savanah Hernandez: Why I'll Never Stop Fighting for Free Speech

Savanah Hernandez: Why I'll Never Stop Fighting for Free Speech

Stories of UsSavanah Hernandez
Lauren McAfee: The Struggles and Joys of Adoption

Lauren McAfee: The Struggles and Joys of Adoption

Stories of UsLauren McAfee
Kaya Jones: Speaking My Mind Cost Me a Lot. It Was Worth It.

Kaya Jones: Speaking My Mind Cost Me a Lot. It Was Worth It.

Stories of UsKaya Jones
David Zucker: Why Can’t Hollywood Take a Joke Anymore?

David Zucker: Why Can’t Hollywood Take a Joke Anymore?

Stories of UsDavid Zucker
Anthony Zuniga: Why I Stopped Thinking like a Victim

Anthony Zuniga: Why I Stopped Thinking like a Victim

Stories of UsAnthony Zuniga
Garrett Powell: From Bachelorette Contestant to Target of the Woke Mob

Garrett Powell: From Bachelorette Contestant to Target of the Woke Mob

Stories of UsGarrett Powell
Zuby: How a Viral Moment Led to a Movement for Truth

Zuby: How a Viral Moment Led to a Movement for Truth

Stories of UsZuby Udezue
Adrienne Johnson: Why I Am No Longer an Atheist

Adrienne Johnson: Why I Am No Longer an Atheist

Stories of UsAdrienne Johnson
Kirk Cameron: From Hollywood Fame to Finding Faith

Kirk Cameron: From Hollywood Fame to Finding Faith

Stories of UsKirk Cameron
Amanda Ensing: Fighting Corporate Cancel Culture

Amanda Ensing: Fighting Corporate Cancel Culture

Stories of UsAmanda Ensing
Kevin Sorbo: How Hollywood Ostracizes Conservatives

Kevin Sorbo: How Hollywood Ostracizes Conservatives

Stories of UsKevin Sorbo
Samaire Armstrong: Breaking the Silence in Hollywood

Samaire Armstrong: Breaking the Silence in Hollywood

Stories of UsSamaire Armstrong
Siaka Massaquoi: Black America Is Being Sold Victimhood

Siaka Massaquoi: Black America Is Being Sold Victimhood

Stories of UsSiaka Massaquoi
Rogan O’Handley: The Hollywood Propaganda Machine

Rogan O’Handley: The Hollywood Propaganda Machine

Stories of UsRogan O’Handley
Amir Odom: Why I Walked Away from Black Lives Matter

Amir Odom: Why I Walked Away from Black Lives Matter

Stories of UsAmir Odom
Gina Bontempo: The Lies of Modern Feminism

Gina Bontempo: The Lies of Modern Feminism

Stories of UsGina Bontempo
Misha Petrov: From Left to Liberation

Misha Petrov: From Left to Liberation

Stories of UsMisha Petrov
Glenn Jacobs: From the WWE to the Political Arena—Why I Never Give Up

Glenn Jacobs: From the WWE to the Political Arena—Why I Never Give Up

Stories of UsGlenn Jacobs
James Kaddis: I’m an Egyptian Pastor Who Supports Israel

James Kaddis: I’m an Egyptian Pastor Who Supports Israel

Stories of UsJames Kaddis
Andy Ngo: Why Antifa Almost Killed Me

Andy Ngo: Why Antifa Almost Killed Me

Stories of UsAndy Ngo
Konstantin Kisin: A Russian's Love Letter to the West

Konstantin Kisin: A Russian's Love Letter to the West

Stories of UsKonstantin Kisin
Dr. Qanta Ahmed: Will Radical Islam Destroy the West?

Dr. Qanta Ahmed: Will Radical Islam Destroy the West?

Stories of UsDr. Qanta Ahmed
Gad Saad: The Biggest Lesson I Learned from Escaping the Lebanese War

Gad Saad: The Biggest Lesson I Learned from Escaping the Lebanese War

Stories of UsGad Saad
Alina Habba: Do Feminists Support Strong Conservative Women?

Alina Habba: Do Feminists Support Strong Conservative Women?

Stories of UsAlina Habba
Justin Kite: A Teacher’s Fight for Students over a Failed System

Justin Kite: A Teacher’s Fight for Students over a Failed System

Nonie Darwish: My Father Founded the Original Hamas Militia

Nonie Darwish: My Father Founded the Original Hamas Militia

Stories of UsNonie Darwish
Johnny Walker: Fighting Alongside the Navy SEALs Is My Legacy

Johnny Walker: Fighting Alongside the Navy SEALs Is My Legacy

Stories of UsJohnny Walker
Franklin Camargo: I Fled Venezuela to Fight for America

Franklin Camargo: I Fled Venezuela to Fight for America

Emily Austin: Gen Z Is Being Brainwashed to Hate America

Emily Austin: Gen Z Is Being Brainwashed to Hate America

Stories of UsEmily Austin
Tim Kennedy: We the People Need to Be Strong Again

Tim Kennedy: We the People Need to Be Strong Again

Stories of UsTim Kennedy
Mosab Hassan Yousef: My Father Founded Hamas

Mosab Hassan Yousef: My Father Founded Hamas

Stories of UsMosab Hassan Yousef
Judith Curry: Climate Scientists Can’t Intimidate Me

Judith Curry: Climate Scientists Can’t Intimidate Me

Stories of UsJudith Curry
Sage Brooks: Why I No Longer Feel Like a Victim

Sage Brooks: Why I No Longer Feel Like a Victim

Riley Gaines: I Stood Up for All Women after Losing to a Man

Riley Gaines: I Stood Up for All Women after Losing to a Man

Stories of UsRiley Gaines
Kuzzat Altay: The Country I Was Born in Wants to Kill Me

Kuzzat Altay: The Country I Was Born in Wants to Kill Me

Stories of UsKuzzat Altay
Taylor Silverman: The Trans Movement Is Erasing Women in Sports

Taylor Silverman: The Trans Movement Is Erasing Women in Sports

Stories of UsTaylor Silverman
Mesha Mainor: I Switched Parties Because of My Stance on Choice

Mesha Mainor: I Switched Parties Because of My Stance on Choice

Stories of UsMesha Mainor
Sophia Salma Khalifa: My Life in Israel as an Arab Muslim

Sophia Salma Khalifa: My Life in Israel as an Arab Muslim

Stories of UsSophia Salma Khalifa
Dr. Matthew Wielicki: I Refuse to Stay Silent about Climate Change

Dr. Matthew Wielicki: I Refuse to Stay Silent about Climate Change

Stories of UsDr. Matthew Wielicki
RaeLynn: Getting Married Was My Boldest Act of Rebellion

RaeLynn: Getting Married Was My Boldest Act of Rebellion

Stories of UsRaeLynn
Jorge Masvidal: I Wouldn't Live Anywhere but America

Jorge Masvidal: I Wouldn't Live Anywhere but America

Stories of UsJorge Masvidal
Marian Tupy: I Saw Communism with My Own Eyes

Marian Tupy: I Saw Communism with My Own Eyes

Stories of UsMarian Tupy
Joseph Alexander: I Survived the Holocaust but It Could Happen Again

Joseph Alexander: I Survived the Holocaust but It Could Happen Again

Stories of UsJoseph Alexander
Max Lugavere: The American Diet Is Making Us Sick

Max Lugavere: The American Diet Is Making Us Sick

Stories of UsMax Lugavere
Alexis Wilkins: I Found My Voice in My Love for America

Alexis Wilkins: I Found My Voice in My Love for America

Stories of UsAlexis Wilkins
Annabella Rockwell: I Entered College Happy. I Left Angry.

Annabella Rockwell: I Entered College Happy. I Left Angry.

Stories of UsAnnabella Rockwell
Jennifer Sey: I Was an Executive at Levi's. They Fired Me for Opposing COVID Lockdowns.

Jennifer Sey: I Was an Executive at Levi's. They Fired Me for Opposing COVID Lockdowns.

Stories of UsJennifer Sey
Calley Means: Pharma, Food, Government — Follow the Money

Calley Means: Pharma, Food, Government — Follow the Money

Stories of UsCalley Means