Teachers Unions vs. Students
There is a dilemma in American education. On the one hand, teachers are essential to student achievement. On the other, teachers unions promote self-interests of their members which are antithetical to the interests of students. So, how do we fix this problem? In five minutes, Terry Moe, Professor of Political Science at Stanford University, delineates this quandary and offers solutions.

Fund the Children, Not the Schools
5-Minute Videos•Corey DeAngelis

PragerU: The Best Investment I've Ever Made
5-Minute Videos•Brad Anderson

Clarence Thomas on Courage
5-Minute Videos•Clarence Thomas

Title IX: When a Good Law Turns Bad
5-Minute Videos•Betsy DeVos

Why Public Schools Should Want School Choice
5-Minute Videos•Mandy Drogin

The Student Loan Forgiveness Scam
5-Minute Videos•Inez Stepman

The Sexualization of Children
5-Minute Videos•Karol Markowicz

Why I Stopped Teaching
5-Minute Videos•Kali Fontanilla

What Do You Know about Money?
5-Minute Videos•Robert Kiyosaki

Why Study History?
5-Minute Videos•Victor Davis Hanson

Howard Zinn and the Book That Poisoned a Generation
5-Minute Videos•Mary Grabar

Taking on Woke Inc.
5-Minute Videos•Ben Shapiro

What Are Your Kids Learning in School?
5-Minute Videos•Jill Simonian

There Is No Apolitical Classroom
5-Minute Videos•Max Eden

Does College = Success?
5-Minute Videos•Jeremy Boreing

Mother Knows Best: Why I Fight for School Choice
5-Minute Videos•Cecilia Iglesias

Graduation 2020: The COVID Class
5-Minute Videos•Dennis Prager

Is College Worth It?
5-Minute Videos•Charlie Kirk

The Best Book to Read to Your Kids
5-Minute Videos•Johnnie Moore

5-Minute Videos•Charlie Kirk

Is Harvard Racist?
5-Minute Videos•Lee Cheng

Who Is Teaching Your Kids?
5-Minute Videos•Dr. Jordan B. Peterson

Let Kids Be Kids
5-Minute Videos•Lenore Skenazy

College Made Me Conservative
5-Minute Videos•Jay Stephens

School Choice Saved My Life
5-Minute Videos•Denisha Merriweather

Facts Don't Care About Your Feelings
5-Minute Videos•Ben Shapiro

Why Special Needs Students Want School Choice
5-Minute Videos•Jake Olson

The Least Diverse Place in America
5-Minute Videos•Charlie Kirk

Why Good Teachers Want School Choice
5-Minute Videos•Rebecca Friedrichs

Every American Needs to Hear This Speech
5-Minute Videos•Dennis Prager

The Conservative Student's Survival Guide
5-Minute Videos•Matthew Woessner

I Learned More at McDonald's Than at College
5-Minute Videos•Olivia Legaspi

Game of Loans
5-Minute Videos•Charlie Kirk

Who Killed the Liberal Arts?
5-Minute Videos•Heather Mac Donald

The Speech Every 2015 College Grad Needs to Hear
5-Minute Videos•George Will

What Is the University Diversity Scam?
5-Minute Videos•Heather Mac Donald

How the Liberal University Hurts the Liberal Student
5-Minute Videos•Matthew Woessner

What Every Graduate Should Know
5-Minute Videos•Dennis Prager

The Least Free Place in America
5-Minute Videos•Greg Lukianoff

COVID Lockdowns: The Real Cost
5-Minute Videos•Scott Atlas

Why PragerU Made the Hall of Evil Series
5-Minute Videos•Allen Estrin

The Hall of Evil: Pol Pot
5-Minute Videos•Paul Kengor

The Hall of Evil: Fidel Castro
5-Minute Videos•Paul Kengor

The Hall of Evil: Mao Zedong
5-Minute Videos•Paul Kengor

The Hall of Evil: Adolf Hitler
5-Minute Videos•Paul Kengor

The Hall of Evil: Joseph Stalin
5-Minute Videos•Paul Kengor

The Hall of Evil: Vladimir Lenin
5-Minute Videos•Paul Kengor

...It Must Be Climate Change!
5-Minute Videos•Dr. Matthew Wielicki

The Torah Part IV: Let My People Go
5-Minute Videos•Dennis Prager

Girling the Boy Scouts
5-Minute Videos•Heather Mac Donald