The Boy Who Cried Wolf
What happens when you lie, joke around, and play tricks on people? Lying isn’t only wrong, it can get you in trouble and cause harm to those around you. This famous fable by Aesop teaches us the importance of being all times.

The Honest Woodman

A Wolf in Sheep's Clothing

The Emperor's New Clothes

Little George and the Cherry Tree

Joshua & the Walls of Jericho

Little Red Riding Hood

The Little Dutch Hero

The Ugly Duckling

The Wise & Foolish Servants

The Legend of John Henry

David & Goliath

Betsy & the Flag

Dolley Saves President Washington

Tall Paul Bunyan

Surfing Past Fear

The Lion & the Mouse

Chicken Little

The Boy Who Went to the Sky

How Honest Abe Got His Name

Why Frog & Snake Never Play

King Midas

Remember the Ladies

King Alfred and the Cakes

Truth, Lies, Fire, and Water

From Sea to Shining Sea

Paloma Wants to Be Lady Freedom

Let's Meet a Garbage Collector

Let's Meet a Teacher

Let's Meet a Librarian

Let's Meet an Engineer

Let's Meet a Baker

The Princess & the Pea

Let's Visit an Alaskan Glacier

The Elves & the Shoemaker

Let's Visit Pearl Harbor National Memorial

Mr. Rabbit's Thanksgiving

Let’s Visit Plymouth Rock

Legend of the Dipper

Let’s Visit the National Inventors Hall of Fame

Let's Visit a California Mission

Let's Visit the Hoover Dam

Let’s Visit the White House & Washington Monument

Harriet & the North Star

Let's Visit an American Farm

The Tale of William Tell

Stars in the Sky

Let's Visit Mount Rushmore

Daniel and the Lions

Legend of the Corn Husk Doll