The Price of Silence

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Big Business & Big Brother

Big Business & Big Brother

5-Minute VideosPhilip Hamburger
Totalitarianism: Can It Happen in America?

Totalitarianism: Can It Happen in America?

5-Minute VideosRod Dreher
COVID Lockdowns: The Real Cost

COVID Lockdowns: The Real Cost

5-Minute VideosScott Atlas
Government: Too Big to Fix?

Government: Too Big to Fix?

5-Minute VideosJoshua Rauh
Is Maoism Coming to America?

Is Maoism Coming to America?

5-Minute VideosJames Lindsay
Brazil: A Cautionary Tale

Brazil: A Cautionary Tale

5-Minute VideosPaulo Figueiredo
NewsGuard: Fact-Checkers with Too Much Power

NewsGuard: Fact-Checkers with Too Much Power

5-Minute VideosMarissa Streit
The Constitution: The Limited Powers of Congress

The Constitution: The Limited Powers of Congress

5-Minute VideosJohn Yoo
The Constitution: Why a Republic?

The Constitution: Why a Republic?

5-Minute VideosRobert George
Three Ways to Fix America

Three Ways to Fix America

5-Minute VideosDave Rubin
Big Government, Big Business, Big Problems

Big Government, Big Business, Big Problems

5-Minute VideosCarol Roth
Are Pipelines Safe?

Are Pipelines Safe?

5-Minute VideosDiana Furchtgott-Roth
The Bankrupting of America

The Bankrupting of America

5-Minute VideosStephen Moore
 Thomas Jefferson and Equality: Making America

Thomas Jefferson and Equality: Making America

5-Minute VideosDinesh D'Souza
Who Celebrates Che Guevara?

Who Celebrates Che Guevara?

5-Minute VideosGloria Alvarez
What Do We Do about the Homeless?

What Do We Do about the Homeless?

5-Minute VideosChristopher Rufo
America’s Promise

America’s Promise

5-Minute VideosJason Whitlock
Who Profits from the Green Energy Movement?

Who Profits from the Green Energy Movement?

5-Minute VideosRogan O’Handley
Defining Liberty

Defining Liberty

5-Minute VideosEugene Volokh
Free the Freelancers

Free the Freelancers

5-Minute VideosPatrice Onwuka
They Say Scandinavia But They Mean Venezuela

They Say Scandinavia But They Mean Venezuela

5-Minute VideosDebbie D'Souza
Why I Love America

Why I Love America

5-Minute VideosDennis Prager
How Big Government Hurts Women

How Big Government Hurts Women

5-Minute VideosCarrie Lukas
All I Want to Do Is Make Cookies

All I Want to Do Is Make Cookies

5-Minute VideosJoseph Semprevivo
Why Can't America Fill a Pothole?

Why Can't America Fill a Pothole?

5-Minute VideosKyle Smith
Big Tech Is Big Brother

Big Tech Is Big Brother

5-Minute VideosBrent Bozell
Why Has the West Been So Successful?

Why Has the West Been So Successful?

5-Minute VideosBen Shapiro
How the Reformation Shaped Your World

How the Reformation Shaped Your World

5-Minute VideosStephen Cornils
Why You Should Be a Nationalist

Why You Should Be a Nationalist

5-Minute VideosYoram Hazony
Who Are the Most Powerful People in America?

Who Are the Most Powerful People in America?

5-Minute VideosPhilip Hamburger
What's Wrong with Government-Run Healthcare?

What's Wrong with Government-Run Healthcare?

5-Minute VideosLanhee Chen
Public Union: Public Enemy

Public Union: Public Enemy

5-Minute VideosAkash Chougule
Don't Make Things Worse

Don't Make Things Worse

5-Minute VideosAdam Carolla
Everyone Should Stand for the National Anthem

Everyone Should Stand for the National Anthem

5-Minute VideosJoy Villa
If You Live in Freedom, Thank the British Empire

If You Live in Freedom, Thank the British Empire

5-Minute VideosH.W. Crocker III
When Transparency Really Means Tyranny

When Transparency Really Means Tyranny

5-Minute VideosDavid French
American Indians Are Still Getting a Raw Deal

American Indians Are Still Getting a Raw Deal

5-Minute VideosNaomi Schaefer Riley
What Should We Do About Guns?

What Should We Do About Guns?

5-Minute VideosNicholas Johnson
Why Private Investment Works & Govt. Investment Doesn't

Why Private Investment Works & Govt. Investment Doesn't

5-Minute VideosBurt Folsom
Government: Is it Ever Big Enough?

Government: Is it Ever Big Enough?

5-Minute VideosWilliam Voegeli
What is Crony Capitalism?

What is Crony Capitalism?

5-Minute VideosJay Cost
How Big Should Government Be? Left vs. Right #1

How Big Should Government Be? Left vs. Right #1

5-Minute VideosDennis Prager
The Dangers of Radical Islam

The Dangers of Radical Islam

5-Minute VideosRaymond Ibrahim
Why We're Losing Liberty

Why We're Losing Liberty

5-Minute VideosRobert George
Should Government Bail Out Big Banks?

Should Government Bail Out Big Banks?

5-Minute VideosNicole Gelinas
Do Big Unions Buy Politicians?

Do Big Unions Buy Politicians?

5-Minute VideosDaniel DiSalvo
Pakistan: Can Sharia and Freedom Coexist?

Pakistan: Can Sharia and Freedom Coexist?

5-Minute VideosHaroon Ullah
The Progressive Income Tax: A Tale of Three Brothers

The Progressive Income Tax: A Tale of Three Brothers

5-Minute VideosKip Hagopian
The War on Work

The War on Work

5-Minute VideosMichael Tanner
Hoover and the Great Depression

Hoover and the Great Depression

5-Minute VideosLee Ohanian