Who Profits from the Green Energy Movement?
You hear lots of dire predictions these days -- the planet is burning, the seas are rising, and so on. But what is the real purpose of all this doom and gloom? Is it to protect the environment? Or is there a different motive? Rogan O’Handley, aka DC Draino, gets to the bottom of these questions in this important video.

A World without Fossil Fuels
5-Minute Videos•Rogan O’Handley

Are Pipelines Safe?
5-Minute Videos•Diana Furchtgott-Roth

Why Can't America Fill a Pothole?
5-Minute Videos•Kyle Smith

Who Are the Most Powerful People in America?
5-Minute Videos•Philip Hamburger

COVID Lockdowns: The Real Cost
5-Minute Videos•Scott Atlas

...It Must Be Climate Change!
5-Minute Videos•Dr. Matthew Wielicki

Government: Too Big to Fix?
5-Minute Videos•Joshua Rauh

Brazil: A Cautionary Tale
5-Minute Videos•Paulo Figueiredo

The Good News about Climate Change
5-Minute Videos•Judith Curry

Big Business & Big Brother
5-Minute Videos•Philip Hamburger

How Dangerous Is Nuclear Waste?
5-Minute Videos•James Meigs

Fossil Fuels: The Big Picture
5-Minute Videos•Alex Epstein

The Real Climate Crisis
5-Minute Videos•Alex Epstein

The Constitution: Why a Republic?
5-Minute Videos•Robert George

Who Wants to Follow California?
5-Minute Videos•Michael Anton

How Much Energy Will the World Need?
5-Minute Videos•Mark Mills

Big Government, Big Business, Big Problems
5-Minute Videos•Carol Roth

Totalitarianism: Can It Happen in America?
5-Minute Videos•Rod Dreher

Is There Really a Climate Emergency?
5-Minute Videos•Steve Koonin

The Bankrupting of America
5-Minute Videos•Stephen Moore

The Great Texas Freeze of 2021
5-Minute Videos•Jason Isaac

What Do We Do about the Homeless?
5-Minute Videos•Christopher Rufo

Get Politics Out of Sports
5-Minute Videos•Jason Whitlock

Nuclear Energy: Abundant, Clean, and Safe
5-Minute Videos•Michael Shellenberger

What's Wrong with Wind and Solar?
5-Minute Videos•Mark Mills

Why Is California Burning?
5-Minute Videos•John Kobylt

Do We Have to Destroy the Earth to Save It?
5-Minute Videos•Michael Shellenberger

Ready to Be Honest about Environmentalism?
5-Minute Videos•Michael Knowles

How Big Government Hurts Women
5-Minute Videos•Carrie Lukas

All I Want to Do Is Make Cookies
5-Minute Videos•Joseph Semprevivo

What's the Deal with the Green New Deal?
5-Minute Videos•Alex Epstein

Big Tech Is Big Brother
5-Minute Videos•Brent Bozell

What's Wrong with Government-Run Healthcare?
5-Minute Videos•Lanhee Chen

What Is Net Neutrality?
5-Minute Videos•Jon Gabriel

Public Union: Public Enemy
5-Minute Videos•Akash Chougule

Can Climate Models Predict Climate Change?
5-Minute Videos•Will Happer

The War On Cars
5-Minute Videos•Lauren Fix

When Transparency Really Means Tyranny
5-Minute Videos•David French

Is Organic Food Worth the Cost?
5-Minute Videos•Bjorn Lomborg

American Indians Are Still Getting a Raw Deal
5-Minute Videos•Naomi Schaefer Riley

The Paris Climate Agreement Won't Change the Climate
5-Minute Videos•Bjorn Lomborg

What Should We Do About Guns?
5-Minute Videos•Nicholas Johnson

Can a Desert Nation Solve the World's Water Shortage?
5-Minute Videos•Seth Siegel

Climate Change: What's So Alarming?
5-Minute Videos•Bjorn Lomborg

Do 97% of Climate Scientists Really Agree?
5-Minute Videos•Alex Epstein

Why Private Investment Works & Govt. Investment Doesn't
5-Minute Videos•Burt Folsom

Fossil Fuels: Greener than You Think
5-Minute Videos•Alex Epstein

Climate Change: What Do Scientists Say?
5-Minute Videos•Richard Lindzen

Government: Is it Ever Big Enough?
5-Minute Videos•William Voegeli

What is Crony Capitalism?
5-Minute Videos•Jay Cost