Why the 3/5ths Compromise Was Anti-Slavery
Is racism enshrined in the United States Constitution? How could the same Founding Fathers who endorsed the idea that all men are created equal also endorse the idea that some men are not? The answer provided in this video by Carol Swain, former professor of political science and law at Vanderbilt University, may surprise you.

The Genius of Thomas Jefferson
5-Minute Videos•Carol Swain

A Short History of Slavery
5-Minute Videos•Candace Owens

What I Can Teach You About Racism
5-Minute Videos•Carol Swain

What's Wrong With The 1619 Project?
5-Minute Videos•Wilfred Reilly

Who Is Booker T. Washington?
5-Minute Videos•Derryck Green

Where Are You, Martin Luther King?
5-Minute Videos•Jason Riley

Why Did the Democratic South Become Republican?
5-Minute Videos•Carol Swain

The Inconvenient Truth About the Democratic Party
5-Minute Videos•Carol Swain

Was the Civil War about Slavery?
5-Minute Videos•Ty Seidule

The Hall of Evil: Pol Pot
5-Minute Videos•Paul Kengor

The Hall of Evil: Fidel Castro
5-Minute Videos•Paul Kengor

The Hall of Evil: Mao Zedong
5-Minute Videos•Paul Kengor

The Hall of Evil: Adolf Hitler
5-Minute Videos•Paul Kengor

The Hall of Evil: Joseph Stalin
5-Minute Videos•Paul Kengor

The Hall of Evil: Vladimir Lenin
5-Minute Videos•Paul Kengor

George H. W. Bush: Read My Lips
5-Minute Videos•Tevi Troy

Jimmy Carter: Farmhouse to White House
5-Minute Videos•Tevi Troy

Gerald Ford: Healing a Divided Country
5-Minute Videos•Hugh Hewitt

Lyndon B. Johnson and the Vietnam War
5-Minute Videos•Bill Whittle

Lyndon B. Johnson: The Not-So-Great Society
5-Minute Videos•Amity Shlaes

What Is Critical Immigration Theory?
5-Minute Videos•James Lindsay

John F. Kennedy: A Star Is Born
5-Minute Videos•Larry Elder

John F. Kennedy: Young President in Crisis
5-Minute Videos•Larry Elder

5-Minute Videos•David Johnson

Dwight Eisenhower: A General Keeps the Peace
5-Minute Videos•John Yoo

Dwight Eisenhower: War Hero to President
5-Minute Videos•John Yoo

Harry Truman: Containing Communism
5-Minute Videos•Elizabeth Spalding

Harry Truman: Dropping the Bomb
5-Minute Videos•Elizabeth Spalding

America Must Be Colorblind
5-Minute Videos•Andre M. Archie

Woodrow Wilson: The Founder of Big Government
5-Minute Videos•RJ Pestritto

Woodrow Wilson: World War I and the League of Nations
5-Minute Videos•RJ Pestritto

Theodore Roosevelt: City Slicker to Cowboy President
5-Minute Videos•Wilfred McClay

Theodore Roosevelt: The Action Hero President
5-Minute Videos•Wilfred McClay

William Howard Taft: The Really Big President
5-Minute Videos•Richard Lim

William McKinley: The Man Who Could’ve Been on Rushmore
5-Minute Videos•Jason R. Edwards

The Real Victims of Affirmative Action
5-Minute Videos•Xaviaer DuRousseau

Benjamin Harrison: One Term Wonder
5-Minute Videos•Louis Picone

Chester Alan Arthur: The President Who Didn't Want to Be President
5-Minute Videos•Michael Knowles

Grover Cleveland: The 22nd and 24th President
5-Minute Videos•Wilfred McClay

James A. Garfield: The Great President Who Never Was
5-Minute Videos•Louis Picone

What Was the Holocaust?
5-Minute Videos•Emily Austin

Why the Gilded Age Was Golden
5-Minute Videos•Amity Shlaes

Rutherford B. Hayes: The Most Disputed President
5-Minute Videos•Jason R. Edwards

Did Europe Destroy Native American Culture?
5-Minute Videos•Jeff Fynn-Paul

Ulysses S. Grant: The General Who Saved the Union
5-Minute Videos•Garry Adelman

Why Immigrants Should Love Columbus Day
5-Minute Videos•Alana Mastrangelo

Andrew Johnson: The President Who Wasn’t Lincoln
5-Minute Videos•Allen Guelzo

Abraham Lincoln: The President We Needed
5-Minute Videos•Allen Guelzo

Young Abe: From Log Cabin to White House
5-Minute Videos•Allen Guelzo

James Buchanan: A Legacy of Failure
5-Minute Videos•Joseph Fornieri