Playing the Black Card

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The Ten Commandments: What You Should Know

The Ten Commandments: What You Should Know

5-Minute Videos  •  Dennis Prager
Do Not Steal

Do Not Steal

5-Minute Videos  •  Dennis Prager
Do Not Misuse God’s Name

Do Not Misuse God’s Name

5-Minute Videos  •  Dennis Prager
Do Not Covet

Do Not Covet

5-Minute Videos  •  Dennis Prager
Why I Left the Left

Why I Left the Left

5-Minute Videos  •  Dave Rubin
The Inconvenient Truth About the Democratic Party

The Inconvenient Truth About the Democratic Party

5-Minute Videos  •  Carol Swain
Facts Don't Care About Your Feelings

Facts Don't Care About Your Feelings

5-Minute Videos  •  Ben Shapiro
So, You Think You're Tolerant?

So, You Think You're Tolerant?

5-Minute Videos  •  Dave Rubin
Control the Words, Control the Culture

Control the Words, Control the Culture

5-Minute Videos  •  Michael Knowles
Dear Celebrities, No One Cares What You Think

Dear Celebrities, No One Cares What You Think

5-Minute Videos  •  Candace Owens
Do 97% of Climate Scientists Really Agree?

Do 97% of Climate Scientists Really Agree?

5-Minute Videos  •  Alex Epstein
Does Free Speech Offend You?

Does Free Speech Offend You?

5-Minute Videos  •  Greg Lukianoff
Gun Rights Are Women's Rights

Gun Rights Are Women's Rights

5-Minute Videos  •  Katie Pavlich
The Least Diverse Place in America

The Least Diverse Place in America

5-Minute Videos  •  Charlie Kirk
What Matters Most in Life?

What Matters Most in Life?

5-Minute Videos  •  Dennis Prager
Why Is Modern Art So Bad?

Why Is Modern Art So Bad?

5-Minute Videos  •  Robert Florczak
College Made Me Conservative

College Made Me Conservative

5-Minute Videos  •  Jay Stephens
Why America Must Lead

Why America Must Lead

5-Minute Videos  •  Anders Fogh Rasmussen
What Is Fake News?

What Is Fake News?

5-Minute Videos  •  Andrew Klavan
Don't Make Things Worse

Don't Make Things Worse

5-Minute Videos  •  Adam Carolla
Are Humans More Valuable Than Animals?

Are Humans More Valuable Than Animals?

5-Minute Videos  •  Dennis Prager
Is America Racist?

Is America Racist?

5-Minute Videos  •  Larry Elder
If You Live in Freedom, Thank the British Empire

If You Live in Freedom, Thank the British Empire

5-Minute Videos  •  H.W. Crocker III
Are People Born Good?

Are People Born Good?

5-Minute Videos  •  Dennis Prager
Do Not Murder

Do Not Murder

5-Minute Videos  •  Dennis Prager
Do Not Commit Adultery

Do Not Commit Adultery

5-Minute Videos  •  Dennis Prager
Don't Judge Blacks Differently

Don't Judge Blacks Differently

5-Minute Videos  •  Chloe Valdary
Should America Be the World's Policeman?

Should America Be the World's Policeman?

5-Minute Videos  •  Bret Stephens
Climate Change: What's So Alarming?

Climate Change: What's So Alarming?

5-Minute Videos  •  Bjorn Lomborg
Black Fathers Matter

Black Fathers Matter

5-Minute Videos  •  Larry Elder
The Least Free Place in America

The Least Free Place in America

5-Minute Videos  •  Greg Lukianoff
Gender Identity: Why All The Confusion?

Gender Identity: Why All The Confusion?

5-Minute Videos  •  Ashley McGuire
Black, Millennial, Female and… Conservative

Black, Millennial, Female and… Conservative

5-Minute Videos  •  Antonia Okafor
Israel's Legal Founding

Israel's Legal Founding

5-Minute Videos  •  Alan Dershowitz
Why Don't Feminists Fight for Muslim Women?

Why Don't Feminists Fight for Muslim Women?

5-Minute Videos  •  Ayaan Hirsi Ali
How to Fix the World, NYPD-Style

How to Fix the World, NYPD-Style

5-Minute Videos  •  Bret Stephens
Why America's Military Must Be Strong

Why America's Military Must Be Strong

5-Minute Videos  •  Andrew Roberts
How Socialism Ruined My Country

How Socialism Ruined My Country

5-Minute Videos  •  Felipe Moura Brasil
Hollywood Wants Your Money...and Your Mind

Hollywood Wants Your Money...and Your Mind

5-Minute Videos  •  Ben Shapiro
Churchill: The Man Who Saved the Free World

Churchill: The Man Who Saved the Free World

5-Minute Videos  •  Andrew Roberts
America's 2nd War of Independence

America's 2nd War of Independence

5-Minute Videos  •  Brian Kilmeade
Is the Death Penalty Ever Moral?

Is the Death Penalty Ever Moral?

5-Minute Videos  •  Dennis Prager
Are the Police Racist?

Are the Police Racist?

5-Minute Videos  •  Heather Mac Donald
Playing the Black Card

Playing the Black Card

5-Minute Videos  •  Candace Owens
Are You on the Wrong Side of History?

Are You on the Wrong Side of History?

5-Minute Videos  •  Jonah Goldberg
How Dark Were the Dark Ages?

How Dark Were the Dark Ages?

5-Minute Videos  •  Anthony Esolen
My Childhood in a Muslim World

My Childhood in a Muslim World

5-Minute Videos  •  Ayaan Hirsi Ali
Are Some Cultures Better than Others?

Are Some Cultures Better than Others?

5-Minute Videos  •  Dinesh D'Souza
Why Isn't Communism as Hated as Nazism?

Why Isn't Communism as Hated as Nazism?

5-Minute Videos  •  Dennis Prager
The Truth about the Vietnam War

The Truth about the Vietnam War

5-Minute Videos  •  Bruce Herschensohn
Why Did America Fight the Korean War?

Why Did America Fight the Korean War?

5-Minute Videos  •  Victor Davis Hanson
The World's Most Persecuted Minority: Christians

The World's Most Persecuted Minority: Christians

5-Minute Videos  •  Raymond Ibrahim
Who's More Pro-Choice: Europe or America?

Who's More Pro-Choice: Europe or America?

5-Minute Videos  •  Elisha Krauss
Israel: The World's Most Moral Army

Israel: The World's Most Moral Army

5-Minute Videos  •  Colonel Richard Kemp
Did Bush Lie About Iraq?

Did Bush Lie About Iraq?

5-Minute Videos  •  Judith Miller
Are Israeli Settlements the Barrier to Peace?

Are Israeli Settlements the Barrier to Peace?

5-Minute Videos  •  Alan Dershowitz
Why America Invaded Iraq

Why America Invaded Iraq

5-Minute Videos  •  Andrew Roberts
An Arab Muslim in the Israeli Army

An Arab Muslim in the Israeli Army

5-Minute Videos  •  Mohammad Kabiya
Feminism 2.0

Feminism 2.0

5-Minute Videos  •  Tammy Bruce
What Is Intersectionality?

What Is Intersectionality?

5-Minute Videos  •  Ben Shapiro
Cops Are the Good Guys

Cops Are the Good Guys

5-Minute Videos  •  David Clarke
War on Boys

War on Boys

5-Minute Videos  •  Christina Hoff Sommers
Who Is Karl Marx?

Who Is Karl Marx?

5-Minute Videos  •  Paul Kengor
When Transparency Really Means Tyranny

When Transparency Really Means Tyranny

5-Minute Videos  •  David French
Israel and Human Rights

Israel and Human Rights

5-Minute Videos  •  Stephen Harper
Where Are the Moderate Muslims?

Where Are the Moderate Muslims?

5-Minute Videos  •  Hussein Aboubakr
The Middle East Problem

The Middle East Problem

5-Minute Videos  •  Dennis Prager
Is the UN Fair to Israel?

Is the UN Fair to Israel?

5-Minute Videos  •  Anne Bayefsky
How's Socialism Doing in Venezuela?

How's Socialism Doing in Venezuela?

5-Minute Videos  •  Debbie D'Souza
Why Isn't There a Palestinian State?

Why Isn't There a Palestinian State?

5-Minute Videos  •  David Brog
Who Are the Racists?

Who Are the Racists?

5-Minute Videos  •  Derryck Green
Does Israel Discriminate against Arabs?

Does Israel Discriminate against Arabs?

5-Minute Videos  •  Olga Meshoe
Who Is Teaching Your Kids?

Who Is Teaching Your Kids?

5-Minute Videos  •  Dr. Jordan B. Peterson
Is Harvard Racist?

Is Harvard Racist?

5-Minute Videos  •  Lee Cheng
The "Anti-Hate" Group That Is a Hate Group

The "Anti-Hate" Group That Is a Hate Group

5-Minute Videos  •  Karl Zinsmeister
Was the Civil War about Slavery?

Was the Civil War about Slavery?

5-Minute Videos  •  Ty Seidule
The Top 5 Issues Facing Black Americans

The Top 5 Issues Facing Black Americans

5-Minute Videos  •  Taleeb Starkes
Born to Hate Jews

Born to Hate Jews

5-Minute Videos  •  Kasim Hafeez
Anger Management

Anger Management

5-Minute Videos  •  Joseph Telushkin
Is Evil Rational?

Is Evil Rational?

5-Minute Videos  •  Dennis Prager
BDS: The Attempt to Strangle Israel

BDS: The Attempt to Strangle Israel

5-Minute Videos  •  Alan Dershowitz
Was it Wrong to Drop the Atom Bomb on Japan?

Was it Wrong to Drop the Atom Bomb on Japan?

5-Minute Videos  •  Father Wilson Miscamble
The Most Important Question About Abortion

The Most Important Question About Abortion

5-Minute Videos  •  Dennis Prager
A Black South African on Israel and Apartheid

A Black South African on Israel and Apartheid

5-Minute Videos  •  Kenneth Meshoe
The Dark Art of Political Intimidation

The Dark Art of Political Intimidation

5-Minute Videos  •  Kimberley Strassel
What's Wrong with Socialism? Firsthand account by filmmaker Ami Horowitz.

What's Wrong with Socialism? Firsthand account by filmmaker Ami Horowitz.

Ami on the Loose  •  Ami Horowitz
The Iran Nuclear Deal

The Iran Nuclear Deal

5-Minute Videos  •  Dennis Prager
What You Need to Know About Planned Parenthood

What You Need to Know About Planned Parenthood

5-Minute Videos  •  Lila Rose
He Wants You

He Wants You

5-Minute Videos  •  Dennis Prager
Are Men and Women Different?

Are Men and Women Different?

5-Minute Videos  •  Sean McDowell
What ISIS Wants

What ISIS Wants

5-Minute Videos  •  Tom Joscelyn
Why Do People Become Islamic Extremists?

Why Do People Become Islamic Extremists?

5-Minute Videos  •  Haroon Ullah
Islamic Terror: What Muslim Americans Can Do

Islamic Terror: What Muslim Americans Can Do

5-Minute Videos  •  Khurram Dara
Are 1 in 5 Women Raped at College?

Are 1 in 5 Women Raped at College?

5-Minute Videos  •  Caroline Kitchens
Iran and the Bomb

Iran and the Bomb

5-Minute Videos  •  Bret Stephens
Men and the Power of the Visual

Men and the Power of the Visual

5-Minute Videos  •  Dennis Prager
What Is Hezbollah?

What Is Hezbollah?

5-Minute Videos  •  Tony Badran