Who Are the Racists?
To call someone a racist is a serious charge. Conservatives are accused of racism by the left on a daily basis. Are the accusations fair? Or is something else going on? Derryck Green of Project 21 provides some provocative answers.

The Real Victims of Affirmative Action
5-Minute Videos•Xaviaer DuRousseau

Who Is Booker T. Washington?
5-Minute Videos•Derryck Green

How To End White Privilege
5-Minute Videos•Brandon Tatum

Why I Don't Want and Don't Deserve Reparations
5-Minute Videos•Burgess Owens

Playing the Black Card
5-Minute Videos•Candace Owens

Calling Good People "Racist" Isn't New: the Case of Ty Cobb
5-Minute Videos•Charles Leerhsen

What Is Critical Immigration Theory?
5-Minute Videos•James Lindsay

5-Minute Videos•David Johnson

America Must Be Colorblind
5-Minute Videos•Andre M. Archie

Want a Revolution? Start a Business.
5-Minute Videos•Alfredo Ortiz

The Whiteness of Wokeness
5-Minute Videos•Wilfred Reilly

How to End Systemic Racism
5-Minute Videos•Amala Ekpunobi

Is the Foster Care System Racist?
5-Minute Videos•Naomi Schaefer Riley

The Plantation: Then and Now
5-Minute Videos•Candace Owens

Howard Zinn and the Book That Poisoned a Generation
5-Minute Videos•Mary Grabar

Should We Be Colorblind?
5-Minute Videos•Dennis Prager

A Short History of Slavery
5-Minute Videos•Candace Owens

Who Has Privilege?
5-Minute Videos•Adam Carolla

What Is Critical Race Theory?
5-Minute Videos•James Lindsay

A Father’s Questions for Black Lives Matter
5-Minute Videos•Dan Collins

There Is No Apolitical Classroom
5-Minute Videos•Max Eden

What I Can Teach You About Racism
5-Minute Videos•Carol Swain

What's Wrong With The 1619 Project?
5-Minute Videos•Wilfred Reilly

I Love America Too Much to Stay Silent
5-Minute Videos•Nestride Yumga

Is the National Anthem Racist
5-Minute Videos•James Robbins

Frederick Douglass: From Slave to Statesman
5-Minute Videos•Timothy Sandefur

Is Harvard Racist?
5-Minute Videos•Lee Cheng

Where Are You, Martin Luther King?
5-Minute Videos•Jason Riley

What Does Diversity Have to Do with Science?
5-Minute Videos•Heather Mac Donald

The American Trinity: The Three Values That Make America Great
5-Minute Videos•Dennis Prager

Why the 3/5ths Compromise Was Anti-Slavery
5-Minute Videos•Carol Swain

Blacks in Power Don't Empower Blacks
5-Minute Videos•Jason Riley

Black, Millennial, Female and… Conservative
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The Least Diverse Place in America
5-Minute Videos•Charlie Kirk

The Top 5 Issues Facing Black Americans
5-Minute Videos•Taleeb Starkes

Are the Police Racist?
5-Minute Videos•Heather Mac Donald

Black Fathers Matter
5-Minute Videos•Larry Elder

Is America Racist?
5-Minute Videos•Larry Elder

Was the Civil War about Slavery?
5-Minute Videos•Ty Seidule

Don't Judge Blacks Differently
5-Minute Videos•Chloe Valdary

A Black South African on Israel and Apartheid
5-Minute Videos•Kenneth Meshoe

COVID Lockdowns: The Real Cost
5-Minute Videos•Scott Atlas

Why PragerU Made the Hall of Evil Series
5-Minute Videos•Allen Estrin

The Hall of Evil: Pol Pot
5-Minute Videos•Paul Kengor

The Hall of Evil: Fidel Castro
5-Minute Videos•Paul Kengor

The Hall of Evil: Mao Zedong
5-Minute Videos•Paul Kengor

The Hall of Evil: Adolf Hitler
5-Minute Videos•Paul Kengor

The Hall of Evil: Joseph Stalin
5-Minute Videos•Paul Kengor

The Hall of Evil: Vladimir Lenin
5-Minute Videos•Paul Kengor

...It Must Be Climate Change!
5-Minute Videos•Dr. Matthew Wielicki